Our study of the Longsword focuses on the German tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer's Zettel, drawing primarily from sources such as the Ringeck, Danzig, and Lew glosses.
Classes are broken into Introductory and Intermediate. Members must complete the Introductory class to join the Intermediate group.
Intro to Longsword is an 8 week course that provides an overview of KDF Longsword. No prior HEMA or martial arts knowledge or gear is required before joining this class. All members are asked to purchase their own fencing mask by the end of the 8 week period.
Intermediate Longsword builds on the notions introduced in the intro course. This group continues with manuscript study and application of techniques in freeplay. Intermediate students must have completed the intro class and have their own mask, and should begin building a full fencing kit.
Intermediate :
Week 1: Manuscript Work
Week 2: Defense Focus
Week 3: Attack Focus
Week 4: Sparring Work